8th Nov 2021 @ 12:43 pm

The Gazette is Lanzarote’s most popular English-language publication, and we’re never more aware of that when distributing the magazine at the start of the month.

We rarely come back with more than a handful of last month’s magazines, and many places tell us that they’ve run out weeks ago.

It’s not always easy to work out what’s needed where, so we’d like to inform our clients and distribution points that, if they need their supply increasing or topped-up later in the month, they should not hesitate in contacting us.

We’ll do our best to resupply you, and preference is always given to our advertisers.

Send us an email to advertising@gazettelife.com; call your sales rep, or contact our office on 928 093 823; send a Whatsapp to 621 274 473 or you can just pop into our office to pick up copies while stocks remain. It’s nice to be in demand, and we thank everyone for their support in getting our magazine out to as many people as possible.

For regular updates, pictures and videos of Lanzarote be sure to like and follow our Facebook page “Gazette Life Lanzarote”.