
A weekend of activities
NewsThe Yaiza Ayuntamiento will host a wide variety of events in the municipality this weekend.

Uga Market returns
NewsThe market at Uga will finally re-open this weekend.

Walk against cancer this weekend
NewsToday is International Breast Cancer Day and the local cancer association AFOL will be holding another edition of the Walk Against Cancer charity event this Sunday.

Noda demands burying of power lines
NewsThe Mayor of Yaiza, Óscar Noda, has demanded that the power lines in Yaiza be buried to protect Lanzarote’s image.

Uga social club facelift
NewsYaiza Ayuntameinto has approved a €805,000 contract to update facilities at the town's Social Club.

International Elders Day celebrations
NewsLast Saturday, one hundred and sixty Yaiza residents celebrated International Elders Day and enjoyed activities organised by the Ayuntamiento.

Plan annulled
NewsYaiza's General Plan – the document that governs current and future planning in the southern municipality – has been declared null by the Canarian Supreme Court.

Warning signs for Playa Quemada
NewsThe Yaiza Ayuntamiento warns about Playa Quemada and the “great regression of the sea grass and accumulation of mud along the seabed.”.

Yaiza asphalting close to completion
NewsThe Yaiza Ayuntamiento’s plan to asphalt roads in the village is close to completion. Calle Montaña Bermeja is the latest street to receive a new top layer of asphalt, covering nearly 4,000 m2.

Cyclists rescued
NewsSix mountain-biking tourists were rescued yesterday after they got lost in the Ajaches National Park in Yaiza.