
Control & Fulfillment

Last month our sales rep Beverley Farley took a one-to-one class with yoga teacher Laurel Regan from Lanzarote Yoga Escape. We asked her for her impressions.

Cactus Discovery

La Graciosa has been invaded by local officials after a British professor discovered that a cactus found on the island contains a powerful chemical that is almost identical to Viagra.

The last tournament

Last year, when lockdown rules prevented us from distributing the magazine, Gazette Life went exclusively online for three months. In the first of those digital issues, we ran a piece about a visit to one of the most popular sporting events on the island - the Bola Canaria Torneo de Abuelos Conejeros (The Lanzarote Grandparents' Canarian Bowls Tournament).

Hoop Dreams

C.D. Magec Tías Contra la Violencia de Género is the full name of Lanzarote’s premier female basketball side, the first one to compete in a national league. Since 2017, the women from Tías have played in Spain’s Feminine League 2. We spoke to their coach, and 2020’s star signing at the Sports Pavilion in Tías recently.

Tax relief on rentals?

High-ranking officials in Spain‘s Tax Office are considering temporary tax breaks for holiday homeowners who can’t use their properties due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, according to reports in the Spanish media. First published…

Still Dreaming The Dreams

Despite viruses, quarantine, Brexit and the economy, estate agents are reporting a surge in online searches for overseas properties as locked-down Britons rethink where they want to live - or are they just dreaming? First published in…

Call the Professionals

As Lanzarote climbs back to its feet after the lockdown, it‘s becoming increasingly clear that villa rentals are going to be an important aspect of the tourist sector in the near future. If you want to capitalise on this unique opportunity,…

Freedom to Move

As we head out of lockdown, freedom to drive has increased, and it’s now almost impossible to be fined for unnecessary travel. First published in Gazette Life, June 1st 2020. On 10th May, at the beginning of Phase 1, Guardia…

Licence Validity

Driving licences that expired during the State of Alarm established by the Spanish government will remain valid until 60 days after it is over, the Traffic Department (DGT) has announced. First published in Gazette Life, June 1st 2020. Several…

The new normal indoors

One thing has been made very clear during the lockdown in Spain – home is a safe space for you, and for society. When you’re at home, you’re unlikely to be exposed to infection. More importantly, you are not going to infect anyone else. The…