30th Oct 2022 @ 10:27 am

Elite surfers are arriving on Lanzarote to take part in the Quemao Class competition, which will take place in La Santa once conditions are perfect.

Among the surfers is Aritz Arambaru, the European Champion in 2007, a year when he won more than 12,000 points and classified for the World Championship Tour – the first Spaniard to do so.

Armabaru has posted photos of himself and friends at the Caldera Blanca in Tinajo, the huge volcanic crater in the middle of a lava field.

The Quemao Class is currently on “amber”, meaning that it could take place at any time between now and the end of the year. Once the legendary two-way El Quemao break is at its most awe-inspiring, the green light will be given and La Santa will be in for two days of incredible spectacle.

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