15th Jun 2023 @ 9:07 am

Olivia Duque of the Coalición Canaria  will be the new Mayor of Teguise after the single Vox councillor elected on May 28th offered his unconditional support to the ruling group formed by the CC and the Partido Popular (PP) .

The support of Vox candidate Ginés González Suárez will allow Duque to take control of the 21-seat council, despite the fact that Socialist candidate Marcos Bergáz won the most votes for the Socialists.

It is the first time that the extreme-right Vox party will have a key role in Lanzarote politics, and prompted the outgoing Canarian President, Socialist Ángel Victor Torres, to remind Fernando Clavijo, the incoming CC President, that he was breaking a campaign pledge “never to accept the support of the far-right.”  

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