6th Oct 2023 @ 11:27 am

Tías Ayuntamiento have announced that they will be increasing the fines for those that do not dispose of rubbish in the correct bins in an attempt to crack down on rubbish bags being left next to bins.

30 proposals for penalties have been presented by Tías Ayuntamiento for individuals, businesses, and restaurants this week for disposing of rubbish outside of containers. Penalties will carry fines from 200 euros.

Tías Mayor, José Juan Cruz, thanked the work of the local police, stating “it is very difficult to catch the people committing these offences.”.

Waste management councillor, Carmen Gloria Rodríguez, calls for citizen collaboration stating, “the cleanliness of the municipality is not the sole responsibility of the Ayuntamiento, if citizens do not collaborate it is impossible to maintain the streets, we cannot have a cleaner or policeman behind every citizen.”

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