26th Jan 2024 @ 10:36 am

A recent study conducted by the Cabildo has revealed that the island has over 8,000 swimming pools and suggests reusing treated water from 1,700 pools in rural areas could be used for crop irrigation.

A study conducted by the Cabildo has sparked a debate surrounding the islands water supply problems. The study found that the island has over 8,000 swimming pools, and suggests reusing the water from the 1,700 pools in rural areas.

“Lanzarote faces a crucial challenge in the management of its water resources”, the study states, which has “a particularly detrimental impact on the agricultural sector.”. A scenario which geographer Natalia Cancio states that is it necessary to “search for solutions.”.

“Lanzarote’s agricultural sector, which is fundamental, has suffered significantly due to the irregularity in the supply of water”, the study highlights, and states that it has “led to a decrease in production and loss of crops.”.

“Lanzarote faces a critical water challenge, and the pools could potentially be a potential solution.” The study continues, “swimming pools in Lanzarote consume large amounts of water for filling and maintenance… the reuse of the water could be an effective strategy. If properly treated, it could be used for crop irrigation… meeting a great demand and contributing to a more sustainable water solution.”.


Unsurprisingly, Yaiza has the largest number of swimming pools with a total of 3,795 in the municipality – most of which are in Playa Blanca with over 3,300. Followed by Puerto Calero with 198, Yaiza itself with 101, Uga with 65 and Las Breñas with 57.

Tías comes in at second place with a total of 1,870 swimming pools – most of which are in Puerto del Carmen with 1,088. Followed by Tías itself with 387, Mácher with 150, La Asomada with 112, Conil with 82 and Masdache with 35.

Teguise comes in at third with a total of 1,511 swimming pools – most of which are in Costa Teguise with 685. Followed by Tahíche with 404, Nazaret with 169, Guatiza with 43, Caleta de Famara with 39 and Tao with 21. There are only 3 swimming pools in La Graciosa.

San Bartolomé has a total of 347 – most of which are in Güime with 196. Followed by San Bartolomé itself with 52, El Islote with 33 and Playa Honda with 27.

Tinajo has a total of 209 swimming pools distributed amongst the town itself with 73, followed by La Vegueta with 65 and El Cuchillo with 20.

Arrecife has a total of 187 swimming pools, most of which are in El Cable with 102 and La Concha with 64.

Haría is the municipality with the least number of pools with 138.

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