9th Mar 2023 @ 10:15 am

A woman attacked two security staff at the Dr José Molina Orosa Hospital in Arrecife last week.

The incident took place at 4 am on March 2nd, when a woman arrived at the Emergency Department complaining of trigeminal neuralgia – a condition that causes intense facial pain.

After demanding to be seen immediately, the duty nurse told her that there was a waiting list  and called security staff when the woman began to act violently. The woman is then claimed to have bit one of the guards and shouted racist insults at him before hitting another and knocking his glasses off.

The National police were called to the scene, but no arrest was made.

It’s not the only recent instance of aggression at the hospital. On 15th December last year a 43-year-old man told a doctor on duty that he had a knife and demanded more medication. Security guards were also threatened. The police arrested the man shortly afterwards. 

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