12th Jul 2023 @ 9:19 am

A tribute to Playa Blanca’s fishing and seafaring past was held this Monday, marking the beginning of the Fiestas de le Virgen del Carmen.

Photo: Ayuntamiento de Yaiza

Several generations of fishermen attended a party held at the centro La Aurora. Yaiza councillor Raquel Rodriguez, stated that it is difficult to find families in Playa Blanca who are not or have not been involved in some artisanal or sustainable activity, key to the development of Playa Blanca.

Attendees were taken on a trip down memory lane with an exhibition inaugurated by the famous southern fisherman Blas Francisco Martín González. The exhibition feature photographs of fishermen, traditional fishing gear and even an old boat owned by Dolores Cabrera González.

Local children Abián and Igara shared passages from a text detailing the history and cultural heritage of Playa Blanca, as well as songs with heartfelt lyrics written by locals for the event (sang by Fabio Martín, Jessica Cedrés, Anita and Cristian Morales and Aquilino Martín.)

The stories told of a simpler time, but and important one to pass down to the next generation. Apart from fishing and bravely facing the sea, through fishing the men and women of Playa Blanca were taught to depend on their own work and to create a community through solidarity.

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