25th Nov 2022 @ 3:06 pm

The 7th edition of the Campaña Solidaria de Juguetes is open until December 15th, where any company or person can make donations.

For the 7th edition, ASOLAN and the Lanzarote Tourism Federation are launching their Christmas Toy Drive to provide toys to the most vulnerable families on Lanzaorte.

“No child without a toy” aims to raise funds to buy todays and deliver them through Cáritas (the Roman Catholic church’s principal charity organisation in Spain) to children from vulnerable families on Lanzarote – allowing them to enjoy well-deserved gifts this Christmas.

The campaign will run until December 15th and all individuals or companies wishing to contribute can do so in the current account set up: ES65 0075 0951 7306 0009 5654.

Visit the official website here: https://www.federacionturisticadelanzarote.com/2022/11/25/colabora-con-la-xii-campana-solidaria-de-juguetes-2022/

Our Online Advent Calendar is back for another year! Be sure to follow our Facebook page “Gazette Life Lanzarote” for upcoming posts.