6th Feb 2024 @ 11:43 am

In a video published to Instagram by @apit.lanzarote it has been revealed that someone has spelled out their name in graffiti in the La Corona volcanic tube.

It appears that a recent visitor to the volcanic tube wanted to leave a mark on it, specifically their name in green spray paint.

The La Corona volcanic tube is a cave that was formed from the volcano’s eruptions some 20,000 years ago and is over 7.6 kilometres long. The lava flowed under water for 1.6 kilometres, which makes it the longest submerged volcanic tube in the world. It is part of a protected area on Lanzarote.

The video, uploaded by @apit.lanzarote to Instagram shows the name “Toño” spray painted in big green letters on one of the walls. In the video the user states “Toño at some point decided he wanted to leave his indelible mark on a heritage that belongs to all.”.

The video (https://www.instagram.com/apit.lanzarote/):

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