30th Apr 2024 @ 10:10 am

A post by Medio Ambiente Lanzarote on X denouncing crayon drawings made on stones at Caleta de Famara has received a mixed response from commenters.

On X, Medio Ambiente Lanzarote published photos of stones at Caleta de Famara that had been drawn on with crayon. “Please, don’t let your artistic concerns end up damaging the natural values ​​of a Protected Natural Area”, they wrote on X.

While most comments agree with their message, others were quick to highlight that more information needs to be present regarding the do’s and don’ts for those visiting the island.

One user wrote: “It is evident that possibly unintentionally, a wrong message is being sent to the future tourist so that when they arrive, they dedicate themselves to painting. Obviously, there is also a lack of information. There is a lot of urgent work ahead.”

Another user wrote: “They’re just stones, let’s not freak out.”

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