Last Saturday, one hundred and sixty Yaiza residents celebrated International Elders Day and enjoyed activities organised by the Ayuntamiento.
The one hundred and sixty residents took part in activites organised by the Yaiza Ayuntamiento including an excursion through Dolores, La Geria and the Fire Mountains of Timanfaya.
Afterwards they partied at the centro cultural El Molino de Yaiza, with dancing and group activities organised by councillor Águeda Cedrés.
The Mayor of Yaiza, Óscar Noda, shared words of gratitude to the elderly of Yaiza, guaranteeing “the continuity of the care programme for the elderly, to whom we will never be able to repay all the love, work and sacrifice they have offered us.”.
Yaiza councillor, Águeda Cedrés, joined the mayor and stated “we will maintain the educational and leisure activities, always listening to the demands of our residents, because our aim is for them to feel supported and valued. I am grateful for the work of the volunteers who are totally committed to the elderly, because of their sensitivity, love, and enthusiasm for what they do.”.
The afternoon at the El Molino cultural centre was brought to life with music from the mariachi band La Llorona and a performance from the magician José Ángel.
Additionally, there was a photographic exhibition showing portraits of thirteen elderly people from each village of the Yaiza municipality: Dolores Fernández from La Degollada, who has just turned 100 years old; Germán Jacinto López from La Geria; Luis Umpiérrez ‘El Capitán’ from Playa Blanca; Blasina Martín from Maciot; Carmen Marrero from Las Breñas; Teodomiro Medina from Uga; Margarita Melián from Femés; Juan Farray from Puerto Calero; María de Los Remedios ‘Maruca’ from La Hoya; María Ramírez from Las Casitas; Eustaquio Hernández from Playa Quemada; Matilde Cabrera from Yaiza; and Mateo Martín from El Golfo.
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