5th Feb 2024 @ 12:51 pm

Two electric scooter drivers have been fined 500 euros by Arrecife local police for 20 kilometres over the speed limit for scooters.

The two drivers, both 18 years old, were fined by Arrecife local police last Saturday while driving along Calle Alcalde Ginés de la Hoz.

As part of a routine check the pair were stopped by a traffic unit. The two confirmed their age, that they lacked the necessary administrative authorisation to drive the scooters and accepted that they were driving faster than the allowed limit of 25 kilometres per hour.

One was found to be driving at 45 kilometres per hour while the other was found driving at 47 kilometres per hour.

The pair were fined 500 euros each.


Last month new rules governing electric scooter use came into force in Spain.

It is now mandatory for electric scooter owners to carry an aluminium ID plate for VMPs (Personal Mobility Vehicles) as well as information of general characteristics and a circulation licence. Scooter drivers must also have third party civil liability insurance and wear a helmet.

It is prohibited for VMPs to travel on sidewalks, pedestrian areas, crossings, highways, interurban roads, or tunnels in urban areas. Maximum alcohol levels are the same as for other vehicles.

You can find more information regarding the new rules here: https://www.facebook.com/policialocaldearrecife/posts/pfbid02YYndi2qSF2Qz6pwUrHjx1kieLTM7ajG5eSHzPpWoxhttz8xFSQWb8jtGgQtko5ekl

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