8th Oct 2023 @ 9:03 am

The remains of a woman and a child have been discovered by archaeologists at the San Marcial del Rubicon site near Papagayo’s beach, according to an article by Luís Socorro in El Diario. 

The skeletons date from the 15th century, when Lanzarote was conquered by French mercenaries in the name of the Spanish Crown, and San Marcial del Rubicon was the first European settlement during the invasion and colonization of the island. 

They are the first human remains to be discovered at the San Marcial dig, which is being headed by Esther Chávez and Macri González. The first skeleton was discovered last year, but kept quiet until it was fully excavated, during which process the other, child’s, skeleton was found.

The bodies were buried alongside a seashell, which has led scientists to suggest that they may be Maho natives, although this cannot yet be confirmed.

According to Chavez and Gonzalez, the dig has proved that San Marcial del Rubicon was occupied “at one point in history – the 15th century. Not before, and not after.” 

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