The Canaries is calling for blood donors once again. The amount of blood donors reduced considerably during the pandemic, and the Canarian Health Service is keen to increase stocks and increase the rate of donation again.
Nevertheless, many potential British donors remain prohibited from donating blood owing to EU rules that were introduced as a consequence of outbreaks of vCJD (the human version of BSE, also known as mad cow disease) that occurred 25 years ago.
These rules prohibit anyone who spent more than a year in the UK between 1980 and 1996 from giving blood in Europe. Similar rules apply in the USA, Australia and many other countries.
This means that young people between the ages of 18 and 25 are permitted to give blood in Europe, while older individuals who spent more than 12 months in the UK during the 16 years from 1980 and 1996 remain prohibited from donating blood, regardless of their nationality.
Recent estimates suggest that 1 in 2,000 Britons may still carry the prions that could transmit the disease.
If you qualify to give blood, you can call the Dr José Molina Hospital on 928 595 572 (extension 3) to book an appointment.
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