3rd Sep 2022 @ 12:51 pm

The Cabildo have announced that almost 12,000 people have benefited from the new bus discounts that they have introduced, including additional discounts and free travel for frequent work use.

Photo: Cabildo de Lanzarote.

Last week the Cabildo announced that they would introduce major bus discounts from the 1st of September until December 31st. These discounts include larger discounts on existing travel cards and free travel for frequent work use.

Almost 12,000 people have benefited from the discounts, which includes 7,647 bono residente canario users; 1,472 bono residente Lanzarote users; 51 bono para desempleados users; 402 bono para pensionistas usesrs; 211 bono para pensionistas especiales users; 482 bono joven users; 1,135 bono estudiante users; 70 bono familia numerosa users, and 477 bono discapacidad users.

The Lanzarote Cabildo President, María Dolores Corujo, stated that “From September 1st, the discounts for bus passes on the island will be increased, to promote the use of public transport, to help families, and the environment”.

“The increase in fuel and energy prices led us to look for a solution so that citizens suffer as little as possible and, thanks to these discounts, we are confident that our public transport will not be compromised”, she added.

If you’re interested in learning more about the discounts and how to obtain them, visit our previous article here: https://gazettelife.com/news/major-bus-discounts-introduced/

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