Customer service may seem a little more brusque in Lanzarote, but that doesn’t mean people are being rude. Buying a carton of milk in Britain may involve several pleases and thankyous, but things are a little more direct here.
Buenos días – Good morning
Buenas tardes – Good afternoon/evening
Hola – Hello
It’s polite to greet a shop assistant, a waiter or anyone else you’re dealing with. “Buenos días/buenas tardes” is the most common greeting, while “Hola” is a little less formal.
Señora – Lady/madam
Señor/Caballero – Gentleman/Sir
Mi Niño/Niña – My son/daughter
A shop assistant may call you Señora or Caballero – a formal way of address. Mi Niño/Niña is a very fond Canarian term, like “luv” or “my duck” in English.
Una bolsita – A plastic bag
Con tarjeta – With a credit/debit card
En efectivo – In cash
Cambio/vuelta – Change
In supermarkets you’ll usually be asked if you want a bag, and often asked if you want to pay by card.
¿Cuánto es? – How much is it?
Gracias – Thank you
Buen día – Good day
Buenas noches – Good night
Igualmente / A tí / A usted – Same to you
A thank you doesn’t hurt at the end of a transaction, although it won’t usually be missed. Wishing a good day (or a good night, if shopping late) is friendly and polite.