
SARA Dog of the Month

CADO, a beautiful Podenco found abandoned and wandering in Mácher, born in September 2015, arrived in SARA this September. He was so bewildered and frightened, poor boy, he must have had a very sad life. However, he so wanted to learn…

Las Palmeras Golf Night

On Saturday 14th December, the members of the Las Palmeras Golf Society met at the Casa Cabaña restaurant in Puerto del Carmen for their annual Trophy Presentation Ceremony and Christmas dinner. The event was well attended and the…

Weather Watch

Of course the Christmas festivities continue here in January with the celebration of Día de los Reyes (King’s Day) on January 6th and the procession of the Three Wise Men the day before. And after all that celebrating,…

Where to find us

We've heard some of you guys have been having trouble finding our new location! You will find us just off the roundabout where Home Zentrum is located, we are the first building you see on the left after exiting the roundabout. Directly…

Scooter Control

Regulations governing electric scooter use have, up to now, been left to local councils – who have responded in all sorts of different ways. However, Spain’s traffic department the DGT has just published provisional guidelines aimed…

Park Life

The number of cars and motorbikes on Lanzarote has risen constantly. There are now over 129,000 registered vehicles of all types on the islands, a figure that includes 33% more cars and more than twice as many motorcycles than there were 15…

Failing the Killer Touch

The Rojillos (Reds) have had a difficult start to the season. They have only lost on three occasions, which only the top two clubs can better, but the problem has been that they have drawn 10 of the 16 games played. This leaves UD Lanzarote…

Election Currency Boost

The pound rose to a three-year high against the Euro immediately following Boris Johnson’s victory in the UK General election. Brexit has, over the last three and a half years, been bad news for sterling, but the currency markets…

Over and Out

Three and a half years of uncertainty is over and the UK will be officially out of the EU on 31st January after Boris Johnson’s Conservative party won the 12th December General Election with a huge majority. Johnson’s election campaign…

Goodbye, Flick

Felicia Ann Schwind 1943 - 2019 Flick passed away peacefully on the 3rd of December 2019 at Devonshire House in Sudbury, Suffolk after a short illness. Born on the 25th May, 1943 during an air raid in Birmingham, Flick was a model for…