4th Dec 2023 @ 9:38 am

The Canarian Government’s decision to dedicate another million euros to the preservation of Lanzarote’s palm trees has been welcomed by David Toledo, the Lanzarote MP who is head of the Nationalist Group in the regional parliament.

The million Euros come in addition to a million that was already pledged, and will be matched by the Cabildo, meaning a total of €4 million will be devoted to the island’s palms.

The island’s palm trees have been through several difficult years. A plague of Diocalandra beetle is currently the main threat, coming just a few years after many trees were destroyed by the red palm weevil.

Drought conditions have not helped, and many palms also suffered neglect during the pandemic.

A study has already been carried out on every palm tree on the island, and now a Plan to Eradicate Diocalandra on Lanzarote will be drawn up and put into action, with a quoted end-date of 2026. 

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