19th Jul 2023 @ 9:37 am

Cabildo President, Oswaldo Betancort, continued his meetings with all Ayuntamiento’s this week, visiting Yaiza Ayuntamiento this Tuesday to discuss future plans.

In the first meeting Yaiza Mayor, Óscar Noda, brought many issues to the table which included the urgent solution to the Los Hervideros sink hole. In addition to this, Noda called for the promotion of social welfare projects and demands for the IES Playa Blanca school in which a budget needs to be agreed for 2024.

Both institutions expressed their intention to open the new port in Playa Blanca to medium size cruise ships, to promote tourism further in Playa Blanca, as well as addressing the Underwater Museum.

Cabildo President, Oswaldo Betancort, stated “We want a model that supports municipalities, taking into account their needs with regards to tourism, always in collaboration with the local administrations and in line with what residents demands.”.

The Yaiza Mayor also discussed renovation works for the uphill road to Femés, the water distribution network in areas of the municipality which see frequent issues, the supply of water and electricity to La Geria, transport needs (with regards to bus services and taxi licences), as well as the problem that is currently seen at the entrance to Timanfaya.

At the end of the meeting, Noda thanked the Cabildo President for offering support with all issues raised.

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