26th May 2023 @ 9:11 am

The Cabildo is appealing for photos of the old parador building in Arrecife.

The parador was built in 1950. While it was not the first hotel on the island, it was the first one aimed at a growing tourism market; part of a national network of paradores throughout Spain. For 20 years it hosted many important visitors to the island, including film-star Raquel Welch and the Hammer Films team

César Manrique also  painted a number of stunning murals on the interior walls of the white building, which can still be seen. The building is currently the headquarters of the UNED distance-learning university.

Myriam Barros, of the Cabildo’s Information Centre, has appealed for any old photos or videos of the building. They can be contacted on datos1@cabildodelanzarote.com, and all material will be copied and returned.

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