26th Nov 2022 @ 10:17 am

The island’s only pet crematorium has been closed by Arrecife Ayuntamiento, who claim that required documents have not been presented by the owners of the business.

La Voz de Lanzarote reports that the business denies that it has failed to provide the documents, and has closed voluntarily until the matter is settled.

The closure means that pet owners whose animals die no longer have the option to cremate them, given that the public crematorium at the Zonzamas dump is not working. The situation means that the only legal way to dispose of a pet may be to deliver it to the dump.

In the case of a deceased pet, owners are advised to register the death first, then contact their vet for advice as to what to do with the body.

It is illegal to bury or otherwise dispose of the body yourself – the task must be handled by the local council or a specialist private company.

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