
No to brine outlet

On Sunday morning around 300 people gathered at La Santa to protest against a planned brine outlet in the town.

Super surf

The El Quemao break at La Santa has not let surfing fans down, providing perfect conditions and tubes galore for the first day of the Billabong Quemao Class surf competition.

Get set to surf…

The Quemao Class surfing and bodyboarding tournament at La Santa has updated its status to yellow, meaning that an attempt will be made to hold the event, with the possible fdates being the 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th of December 2022.

La Santa rollover

Two women and a girl were taken to hospital yesterday morning after their car flipped over on the road to La Santa.

Waveriders assemble

Elite surfers are arriving on Lanzarote to take part in the Quemao Class competition, which will take place in La Santa once conditions are perfect.