
Costa Teguise lighting project

Teguise Ayuntamiento will shortly begin to install new public lighting in Costa Teguise, in a project costing €161,000.

Tasty Christmas Cakes for order

The popular Le Rendez-Vous in Costa Teguise have some tasty home-made Christmas cakes & puddings for order until this Friday. Don’t miss out!

Demolition order

Teguise Ayuntamiento will demolish abandoned buildings located on Plot 214, next to the Blue Sea Hotel in Costa Teguise.

Access denied

The newly-opened Sports Centre in Costa Teguise has received criticism for a lack of access for wheelchair users.

Recycling point opened

The Punto Limpio (recycling point) at Costa Teguise has finally opened to the public three years after the initially announced date.

Abandoned hotel to be demolished

Another abandoned hotel in Costa Teguise is due to be demolished after its constructors have applied for permission to clear the site.

Alleged attacker arrested

A man has been arrested and another two are being investigated in connection with an alleged homophobic attack in Costa Teguise's Pueblo Marinero on Monday night.

Homophobic attack

A man has been hospitalised after a homophobic fight took place in the Pueblo Marinero in Costa Teguise.

Eyes on the skies

Thousands of spectators headed to Playa de la Cucharas in Costa Teguise yesterday to see the air display held in honour of the resort’s 50th anniversary.

Cucharas reopened for bathing

Bathing on Costa Teguise’s main beach, Playa de la Cucharas, was authorised yesterday after bacterial tests turned out negative.