9th Nov 2023 @ 10:42 am

Arrecife will open two new cruise passenger terminals in autumn of 2024.

Arrecife Mayor, Yonathan de León Machín, is pleased that the Canary Islands will be able to count on the new facilities in the autumn of 2024, which will strengthen Arrecife in the cruise circuits around the Canary Islands with better facilities.

Global Ports Canary Islands, the company that is in charge of the operation and management of the new passenger terminals has started the construction of two terminals in the Naos dock and another at Los Mármoles.

The first terminal at the Naos dock, will be a single floor with a space of 1,106 square metres and will provide services for transit and port operations, focusing on operational efficiency. The Los Mármoles terminal will be a 556 square metre facility and have the capacity to serve up to three ships simultaneously.

Cruise ship arrivals are on the up in Arrecife, with 42 scheduled to arrive this month.

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