17th Aug 2023 @ 8:17 am

Tourists spent a daily average of €151.20 on Lanzarote  from April to June this year, according to newly released figures from the Canarian Institute of Statistics. This is a decrease from the €167.60 average spent from January to March.

Of this €151, most is spent on accommodation – an average of €69.10. This is followed by transport to the island at €37.90 (taken as a daily average over the holiday.)

€22.70 is spent on food each day, while €9.80 is spent on local transport (buses, coaches and taxis). Leisure activities account for €6.70 and only €4.50 a day is spent on shopping.

The figures place Lanzarote behind Gran Canaria and Tenerife, but ahead of Fuerteventura and La Palma.

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