18th Jun 2024 @ 10:03 am

Yaiza Ayuntamiento have removed electric scooters from three rental companies in Playa Blanca after they were found to lack the necessary licences.

Last month, Yaiza Ayuntamiento, announced that they had issued a ten-day deadline for electric scooter companies to present the necessary licences and paperwork to rent out scooters in Playa Blanca.

In the announcement, Yaiza Mayor Óscar Noda, explained that any companies that failed to provide the necessary documentation would have their scooters removed from the southern resort.

Up until this week there had been no news on the follow-up to Yaiza Ayuntamiento’s statement, with many residents taking to social media to call attention to the fact that the scooters remained.

This week, it has been announced that three companies have had their scooters removed by Yaiza Ayuntamiento after they failed to prove that they had the documentation to rent out the vehicles.

Councillor, Karina Centeno, stated that “we cannot allow these vehicles, like any other, circulate on our roads without the relevant authorization and therefore we have proceeded to its withdrawal”.

Óscar Noda stated “Our intention is not to prohibit the use of these scooters but to regulate it, because there are many neighbourhood complaints regarding their use and the way they are left abandoned on sidewalks and roads obstructing the passage of pedestrians, among other inconveniences and deficiencies that we note and want to correct. In fact, we are also working on a set of conditions so that companies wishing to provide this service can do so but complying with a series of requirements, to do it in the best possible way and without causing inconvenience to the neighbours of Yaiza”.

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