23rd Feb 2023 @ 10:08 am

Spain’s General Council of the Judiciary will review the events that led to the release of Raúl Díaz Cachón, who is accused of murdering his wife Romina Celeste in 2019.

Díaz was given conditional release from Tahiche Prison in January after the expiry of the four-year time limit during which an accused criminal must be tried in court.

The General Council admitted a complaint from the lawyer for the victim’s family, which accuses the court of a “laid-back” attitude, and alleges that defence lawyers deliberately stalled the trial process.

She cited the example of an expert report on whether a pair of scissors bought by the defendant could be used to dismember a human body. This report, which she claims was part of an “irrelevant” defence tactic, was delayed by two and a half years.

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