22nd Jul 2023 @ 8:56 am

Skateboard prodigy Kayden Hewson Cantoni is hoping to get to Vigo in Northern Spain for an international skating competition, but although he’s already won sponsorship deals for clothes and equipment, he needs funds for travel and accommodation.

Kayden’s family and supporters have organised a raffle with the aim of raising €1,000 to get Kayden to Vigo, and prizes include family tickets for Rancho Texas, Lanzarote Karting, fish and chips for two, a Sunday roast, mini-golf, Escape Room and 6d cinema tickets.

You can buy tickets at Arthur’s bar, Puerto del Carmen, Lions Tavern, Tias, and the Sportsman in Matagorda, or call Bob on 696614293 or Cathy on 691393157.

Raffle tickets are 5€ a strip and the draw will be held at the Sportsman in Matagorda at 4.30pm on Saturday 5th August .

You can hear Kayden being interviewed by Scotty Silver on Monster Radio this Wednesday between 10 and 12.

For regular updates, pictures and videos of Lanzarote be sure to like and follow our Facebook page “Gazette Life Lanzarote”.