The Yaiza Ayuntamiento have announced a new modified bus timetable as well as new bus line that will come into force next Wednesday, February 15th.
As part of a resolution to the public transport issues on Lanzarote, the Yaiza Ayuntamiento, along with the Cabildo de Lanzarote, have published modified bus timetables and introduced a new 62 bus line.
As of next Wednesday, February 15th, the modifications to lines 06 (Arrecife – Puerto del Carmen – Playa Blanca) and 60 (Arrecife – Playa Blanca) will be put in place, and the new line 62 (Semi-Direct: Arrecife – Tias – Playa Blanca) will be operational.
IntercityBus Lanzarote’s adjusted timetable:

Read the full PDF published by the Cabildo listing every change here:

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