14th Dec 2023 @ 9:57 am

Another tugboat has been added to the existing one in Arrecife’s ports, guaranteeing that larger cruise and cargo ships do not have to be redirected.

The VB Mencey started to operate yesterday in Puerto Marmoles (cruise and container ports) and Puerto Naos, adding to the service provided for three years by the VB Guanche.

Both tugs measure 27 metres and offer traction of 40 tons.

The boats are supplied by the company Boludo, whose CEO Javier Climent, was present at the presentation ceremony for the new tug yesterday. Also attending were Arrecife Mayor Yonathan de León and Beatríz Calzada, President of the Las Palmas Port Authority, as well as representatives from the Cabildo and Lanzarote’s Chamber of Commerce.

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