20th Mar 2024 @ 9:44 am

Taxi drivers from two of the island’s three co-operatives have threatened a strike during the Easter holidays in protest at new Cabildo measures.

The Norte y Sur group, representing cabbies from Yaiza, Haría, Teguise, Tinajo and Tias; and the Ajey Tamia group from San Bartolomé, are considering a reduction to minimum services between the 25th and 31st of March. 

They are protesting against Cabildo proposals that would allow taxis from any part of the island to offer services when the taxis from a particular municipality in question are overstretched, for example during fiestas or at the busy times at the airport.

The third taxi co-operative, San Marcial from Arrecife, has stated that it supports the Cabildo’s proposals. “It’s about time that someone thought of the customer,” a representative told La Voz de Lanzarote. 

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