6th Mar 2024 @ 7:34 am

The Cabildo President, Oswaldo Betancort, along with the team from Turismo Lanzarote, were present at the Berlin Travel Fair this Tuesday – focussing on promoting Lanzarote as a quality tourist destination and to “increase spending without increasing the number of visitors.”.

This week Betancort stated that “there is no country in Europe with socio-economic conditions and as sensitive to the environment as Germany, which fits with the strategy of increasing spending at the destination without increasing the number of visitors”.

“We are working on a qualitative approach, improving infrastructure, services and new types of customers, testing new markets, talking with airlines of these new markets and greatly enhancing the improvement of the destination,” he added, and also noted that “projects such as the Canarian Government’s Tourism Infrastructure Plan and the plan to protect La Geria are being addressed.”.

Betancort explained that the German market must be managed under parameters “such as the average stay or spend and its redistribution among all municipalities, with a very cross-cutting approach”. “It is key the data that reflects that, despite having fewer tourists, we have higher turnover, thus demonstrating the way in which we are going with regards to tourism on the island,” he added.

“Public and private investment is vital to achieve the objective. We are on the right track, because the tourist centres are demonstrating that there is a clear attempt to improve what they offer to tourists that pursues a type of customer with higher profitability,” he said.

German market data in 2023

Lanzarote closed 2023 with strong spending figures in the German market, which reached 351 million euros, which means 2.15% more than in 2019 (343 million euros) and 16.2% more than in 2022 (301 million euros).

In terms of tourist preferences, 56.5% of tourists hire a package tour, and the average age is between 50 and 63 years old. In addition, 43.5% of tourists recognise that exploring or getting to know the island is the main motivation for their holiday.

The three main aspects of choice of Lanzarote as a tourist destination is the climate, with 71%, the sea with 59.9%, and tranquillity with 48.2%.

It should also be noted that the three main actions that German tourists perform in Lanzarote during their stay are going to the beach (81.5% of them); touring the island on their own (59.7%) and walking around the island in 57.7%.

Data provided by the Lanzarote Cabildo.

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