29th Mar 2023 @ 9:05 am

Yaiza Mayor Óscar Noda has proposed the creation of a foreign language educational space  in Playa Blanca.

Noda announced yesterday that initial approaches had been made to use classrooms in the CEO  (Secondary School) in Playa Blanca to hold language classes in the evening for adults. The classes would be given in collaboration with the Official School of Languages (EOI) in Arrecife, and “would make learning easier for workers, and  young people looking for jobs”.

The Yaiza Mayor said that the idea had arisen from professionals in Yaiza who had requested training and education in languages “to deal with tourists in their native language, making their stay more pleasant and adding value to Playa Blanca.”

Noda also remarked that “In a multicultural municipality like Yaiza it is also important to consider that the school offers Spanish language classes for foreign citizens , giving the proposal an element of social integration”. The Official School of Languages already offers English language classes in Puerto del Carmen’s secondary school, but foreigners who wish to take their excellent Spanish language classes have to attend the centre in Arrecife on two mornings a week.

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