21st Aug 2024 @ 7:55 am

Lancelot has reported on a woman who is seeking her biological parents after being abandoned in Famara 42 years ago.

When Guardia Civíl officer Francisco Armas Curbelo investigated a bag that had been left outside one of the Los Noruegos bungalows in Famara on the morning of July 24th, 1982, he was shocked to discover a new-born baby inside. The baby was taken to Valterra health centre and checked up, and was eventually adopted by another Guardía Civil officer and took the name Pilar Díaz.

Her adoptive parents did not tell Pilar about her origins, although she suspected that she was not their biological daughter, and the family eventually moved to mainland Spain.

Pilar says she would not not feel disappointment if she met her biological parents. “They were probably people whose lives weren’t well organised, and maybe young – you don’t so things like that if you’re not.”

Anyone who has information or who remembers something about this episode can contact Pilar Díaz through the phone number 662 513738 or the Instagram mdiamart812

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