19th Nov 2022 @ 10:21 am

Teguise Ayuntamiento will demolish abandoned buildings located on Plot 214, next to the Blue Sea Hotel in Costa Teguise.

Teguise Mayor Oswaldo Betancort has made the decision following the refusal of the building’s owners, Lanzagal, to take charge of the job. The company argued that, although the licence was annulled, there was no sentence of demolition.

Courts have repeatedly warned Betancort for not carrying out demolition orders – even threatening him with personal fines. His defence has always been that he is seeking to make the owners shoulder the costs of demolition, rather than burdening taxpayers with it.

Teguise’s planning councillor, Olivia Duque, said “After a long legal process, and always with the aim of making constructors pay for demolition, so as not to drain taxpayers’ funds, the owners have refused to comply. Therefore, we’ll take the necessary actions.”

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