The Charco de San Ginés is one of Arrecife’s picture postcard locations, with dozens of small boats bobbing haphazardly on the lagoon.
However, a new plan may see jetties installed in the Charco where boats can be moored, removing the need for the little auxiliary boats that are currently there.
The jetties are part of a project proposed by the Cabildo and published by Diario de Lanzarote, which also aims to reduce pollution in the Charco, especially after heavy rainfall.
Dredging the Charco has been ruled out as it may affect seaweed colonies, and there are also no plans to reopen water access to Puerto Naos, which could bring more pollution.
Regulation of the boats on the Charco has been minimal, and many vessels are unauthorized. The Cabildo claims that installing jetties will remove the “tangle of ropes” that impedes watersports, and allow a cleaner, less cluttered Charco to be used for several activities.
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