6th Mar 2024 @ 11:38 am

Canal Gestión produced 29.49 million cubic metres of water in 2023, however, 54.9% of it was lost due to illegal connections to the water supply and leaks.

Canal Gestión recorded a new annual record of 29.49 million cubic metres of desalinated water in 2023, however, over half of it was lost due to illegal connections to the water supply and leaks through poor pipeline conditions.

Of the water consumed in 2023, Tías stood out as the municipality that used the most with 3.25 million cubic metres. Arrecife used the second most with 2.82, Teguise in third with 2.55, Yaiza in fourth with 1.28, and Haría and Tinajo with the lowest demand with just over 450,000 cubic metres each.

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