7th May 2024 @ 7:25 am

The Cabildo have stated that they will be taking action against two companies that organised an illegal party in the protected area of La Geria, “we will not allow protected areas to be used to get followers on social media.”.

This month, a video surfaced on social media showing an illegal party that was set up in La Geria by two companies and involving numerous social media influencers. One of the companies involved in its organisation was the Barcelona fashion brand “Twojeys”.

The party was organised without authorisation from the Cabildo and featured loud music, DJs and neon lights under a large tent. The Cabildo have reminded residents and future visitors that this area is protected as disturbances can cause disruptions to the natural environment and wildlife.

Yesterday, Cabildo President, Oswaldo Betancort, stated that the Cabildo will be taking action against the two companies and anyone else involved who organised an unauthorised party in the protected area of La Geria.

“The Cabildo will be forceful and will sanction all the aggressions that occur to our territory, whether they are made by individuals or companies. We will not allow our protected areas to be used to get followers on social networks at the expense of deteriorating our landscape”, Betancort posted on Facebook.

“Whether digital nomads or paper nomads, Lanzarote will be respected”, he wrote in closing.

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