20th Mar 2024 @ 8:36 am

Arrecife Ayuntamiento will resurface approximately 150 streets in the neighbourhoods of Argana, Las Salinas, La Destila, Altavista and San Francisco Javier.

The project is already underway in the neighbourhood of San Francisco Javier and, after the summer, Arrecife Ayuntamiento will continue to resurface a further 50 streets.

The Department of Public Works of Arrecife informs the residents of San Francisco Javier to avoid parking cars in the following streets this week: Pizarro, Don Rodrigo, Carlos V, Enrique IV, Cardenal Cisneros, Jaime I, Isabel la Católica, Juana de Arco, Cid Campeador , Agustín Espinosa, Islote del Quebrado, José Hernández Almeida (partial on land), Sorondongo, Hernán Cortés, Islote del Quemado, Juan II, Islote de Fermina, Gregorio Medina Armas, Viriato, Alfonso XIII, Antonio Bermúdez, Felipe II, Fernando El Católico and Timple.

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