Aldi’s new supermarket on Arrecife’s inner ring road (Rambla Medular) opens its doors to customers on Wednesday 22nd February. Here’s where to find it:
It’s not the first time an Aldi has opened on Lanzarote – one once existed on Calle Triana in central Arrecife, in the location currently occupied by a Eurospar – but after years of absence, it is a welcome addition ton the range of supermarkets on the island.
The new Aldi will be located between the barrio of San Francisco Javier and the Rambla Medular, and will be one of ten stores that the German company has opened on the Canaries.
Unsure where that is? Here’s a map:
As you arrive at the entrance to Arrecife from the LZ-2, the new ALDI is just to your left. You’ll have to take the 3rd exit off of the roundabout, drive along the Rambla Medular and turn around at the next roundabout to access the ALDI.
From there you’ll be able to park up, do your weekly shop and then either head back on the LZ-2 from the roundabout or back into Arrecife.

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