24th May 2024 @ 9:11 am

The Los Valles resident’s association has caused controversy by selecting Dimás Martín as the guest of honour at their upcoming fiestas.

Martín was the ex-President of the Cabildo and Teguise Mayor whose PIL party shook up Lanzarote in the 1990s. However, a series of corruption convictions have marked his recent years, during which he has been convicted of nine counts of corruption and planning crimes.

Martín is currently in Tahiche prison serving a two-and-a-half-year sentence for accepting bribes related to the award of lucrative waste disposal contracts in Arrecife.

Martín has been invited to read the pregón (official opening speech) for the Fiestas de San Antonio at Los Valles at 8.30 pm on 31st May. 

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