12th Jan 2024 @ 9:28 am

Spanish television presenter, Pilar Rubio, will host the second season of Rakuten TV’s “Discovering Canary Islands” will feature parts of Arrecife.

The second season of “Discovering Canary Islands” will see 8 contestants complete challenges on Lanzarote with the aim of finding the mythical 9th Canary Island of “San Borondón”.

Arrecife Mayor, Yonathan de León, accompanied Pilar Rubio and the film crew during shooting in Arrecife last September and values the international promotion that the show will bring to Arrecife in 2024.

The first episode will be broadcasted on Rakuten TV on January 26th and will show the Charco de San Ginés and the Castillo de San Gabriel.

“Discovering Canary Islands” was presented by Turismo de Canarias and aims to promote the eight islands in a reality show that will be broadcast in 42 European countries.

The first season can be viewed for free with adverts here: https://www.rakuten.tv/es?content_type=tv_shows&tv_show_id=discovering-canary-islands&content_id=discovering-canary-islands-1



Look out to sea on a morning and you may see a distant low cloud,  or a rolling bank of mist … or could it be the legendary island of San Borondón

The island of San Borondón is a long-standing Canarian legend. It is based on the voyage of St Brendan, a 6th century Irish monk who headed to sea in a curragh in search of new lands to convert to Christianity.

The story of Brendan’s voyage was written hundreds of years after his death, passed down from generation to generation,  and the details are almost impossible to verify. But among his adventures was the discovery of a strange island, covered with trees and greenery.

The legend of San Borondón has lasted for over 500 years in the Canaries, and expeditions were even organised to try and locate it. Nowadays, however, it is clear that no such island exists and, instead, the mysterious vision of an island has become a fisherman’s tale, supposed tyo signal good fortune. 

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