13th Sep 2022 @ 1:49 pm

Don’t forget about the recent bus card discounts that have been introduced this month.

Last month the Cabildo announced the introduction of major bus card discounts, including free travel for workers who use the Bono Residente card more than 20 times a month to get to work and back.

The Lanzarote Cabildo have just announced a series of bus card discounts in order to encourage the use of public transport, “we are increasing public transport aid like never before, we are aware that the current situation affects many”, stated Cabildo President, María Dolores Corujo.

There will be a 50% discount on the Lanzarote bus cards: bono residente, bono joven, bono familia numerosa, bono discapacidad, bono desempleado, bono pensionista, bono estidiante and bono pensionista especial.

For those that use the 20 euro bono residente canario card (which allows for unlimited travel) the cost per month will be halved to 10 euros.


TAKE NOTE: The discounts will run from September 1st until the end of the year only.


In addition to the discounts, the Cabildo have announced that they will be allowing free travel for bono residente canario users who use the buses to get to work more than 20 times per month.

In order to receive your free bono residente canario months, you must register at least 20 trips to work in each month that the discounts will run for (from September 1st until 31st December) or 80 trips total between the dates specified.

The free travel isn’t transferable and only the sole user must use the card. Failure to comply with the specifications may result in the user having to pay the full amount for the period of time, totalling 40 euros with the bono residente canario discount.

To apply for the workers bono residente canario travel discount, you can apply for a new card online: https://arrecifebus.com/index.php?lang=es and click on “solicite aqui su Bono Bus” on the left hand menu – or you can take your existing card into the Arrecife bus station along with the necessary papers in the link above to complete it in person.

From there, you will be able to insert the necessary details and documentation and you will receive a notification after submitting your details.

If you wish to find out more information you may go to the Lanzarote Cabildo, or call 928 810 100, or send an email to: atencioninformacionciudadana@cabildodelanzarote.com.

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